SilverbackMonkey on wrote:years ago (before my time, 2010 maybe?) somehow people were able to use a tc multiplier back then and were reproducing them by the hundreds and did abuse the system. I learned this from friends that have been playing since day one. I haven't heard anything recently of it being discontinued completely.
I will check with friends that are currently leveling a char in Celestia to see if they are still getting the tc drop from the quest in Science Center and update if I find any info on it.ītw, I have received Simplify from wooden chests in Avalon on rare occasion (High Road chests) since the Khrysalis update. Elucidates can be used to reduce pip cost of spells with is extremely powerful in PvP, this comboed with the fact that the card is retired and cant be obtained anymore makes them extremely valuable. I really hope these cards aren't complete Goners.Ah, I could see how that would be a problem with an already highly coveted TC. If you can find a buyer you can make a hefty profit with them. Though Id recommend holding onto one as a trophy if youre into that sort of thing. WIZARD101 ACCOUNT WITH Elucidate Tc, Mega Pets, Couch Potatoes (See Description) - 125.00. KI said that they are officially retired as of this update. FOR SALE After playing Wizard101 on and off for over 10 years. Both would be a 4 pip spell that does 500 :broken_heart: damage.I don't think I would be allowed to link to it here, but I'll quote the tweet where they officially said it: "for now, it is retired. This made me question if Elucidate is even overpowered. First of all, there are two damage enchants that are even stronger than Gargantuan, which would end up making the Wraith/Elucidate weaker than the enchanted Vampire. Wizard101 Life AOE Spells List - Final Bastion This unique debuff will remove all buffs, block any. Not only that, but :broken_heart: spells like these only gain 2/3 of the damage from enchants. Wizard101 Lifebane Treasure Card Retired Fast Delivery Wizard101 1 Elucidate TC Fast Delivery Treasure Card USA SELLER For Wizard101 on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'Where can I find (Balance Blade & Hex)'. If this comparison were done with regular damage spells like Skeletal Pirate and Banshee, the enchanted Banshee would be much better than the Skeletal Pirate/Elucidate. So Elucidate doesn't seem to be overpowered in terms of damage. So you can cast satyr for two pips, pixie for free, and or you can cast virulent plague (-45 damage) for one pip and I'd think you can cast legend or elemental blade for no pips since they just cost one pip. Problems arise with the lower rank spells. Elucidate is an enchantment card that reduces the cost of a spell by two pips. Enchanted TCs Any spells combined with enchantment treasure cards are not tradeable. Spells like Fairy/Pixie, Dispels, Fire Elf, and Lightning Bats would all be overpowered at 0 pips. Sharpen Blade- 10 to 1 positive (Blade) spell. Imagine a storm with a wand spell that does 245-285, or a fire with a wand spell that has a dot. They should just make the card no-pvp like they have with some other minion and TC spells. A death with a 160 :broken_heart: wand spell would be pretty nice as well. They were always hard to get anyways, elucidate was only available from a single quest in celestia and every wizard got 2. I don't even need to explain the heals and dispels having them at 0 pips would be so ridiculously overpowered and was probably a contributing factor to why this card was discontinued in the first place. 2 pip Pigsie can literally be spammed EVERY turn. 3 pip Regenerate or Guardian Spirit (even though it's no pvp), or even a 5 pip Rebirth. All of these would be pretty overpowered. I'm sure the lore spammers would have fun spamming Loremaster every single turn with Elucidate as well. 1 pip Bad Juju and 1 pip Virulent Plague would also get out of hand.